Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Respecting the Holocaust

Thursday is Holocaust Memorial Day. The part played by the Nazi Holocaust in all of our lives is a subject on which a great deal has been written, and some very complex questions arise from it, many of which have only begun to be answered in the last few years (by books like Peter Novick's "The Holocaust and Collective Memory" and Norman Finkelstein's extremely thought-provoking "The Holocaust Industry".
One of the most powerful pieces of writing I have ever read about the Holocaust is also the shortest. It's an essay by Howard Zinn called "Respecting the Holocaust" published in "The Progressive" in 1999, and also in a collection called "Howard Zinn on History," which is excellent, with plenty more similar essays.


Blogger Jim said...

My thoughts on the same subject are now online.

5:00 PM  

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