Sunday, October 02, 2005

Film season

A string of good films being released in time for Oscar nomination this month.
September's given us:
'Wolf Creek': (chilling, brutal Australian horror film - its extreme violence left the whole audience shaking as they left the cinema when I saw it - certainly not for the faint hearted, but if one is looking for a horror that provides a "transcendental" experience - masochistic, I believe, although many will maintain it is mere sadistic voyeurism - then here it is).
And 'A History of Violence': Finally, a David Kronenberg film non-weirdos can enjoy, to paraphrase Cosmo Landesman in the Sunday Times. Whether the controversy over 'Crash' (1996) was valid or not isn't really relevant - this film is pretty violent from the outset (well the title was a clue...) but no one could call it 'sick'. Landesman is also correct that whether you watch (read?) this as an existential parable, or as a Steven Seagal film for those with a mental age over 13, it's hugely enjoyable. (NB: If you're planning to see this one, it's better to avoid the reviews, which give rather too much of the plot away I think; better to let the story unfold while you're watching the film.)

Greatly anticipating: Oliver Twist (Roman Polanski; out on Friday) and Corpse Bride (Tim Burton; out on Friday Oct 21 ) and hopefully some other Oscar-hopefuls coming up soon.


Blogger joygoddess said...

I saw "Corpse Bride" about two weeks ago... it was lots of fun. See it!!! That's my film review for this evening. :)

How are you?! Oh, how I miss the Dude so...

11:57 PM  

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