Thursday, February 16, 2006

At the movies

"A Cock and Bull Story" is a wonderful comedy, but best avoided if you don't know what irony is. 10/10

"Cache" ("Hidden") is one of the best thrillers I have ever seen, featuring some stunningly beautiful photography but best avoided if you don't like leaving the cinema thinking through the implications of what you've just seen, and desperate to see the film again. 10/10

"Brokeback Mountain" is excellent for precisely none of the reasons the gushing reviews give, but for plenty of others. In much the same way as Pulp Fiction, the cinema-literate will find plenty (some suttle, some not so suttle) of new takes on old themes to enjoy. The cinema-illiterate will likely appreciate a distinctly palatable love story (four words I don't string together very often!). It deserves Oscars less than films like Hidden, The Beat that My Heart Skipped, A History of Violence or Wolf Creek (or even Batman Begins for that matter) but certainly a lot more than Crash. 9/10.


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