More Lebanon
Narjis Faqih, 3, above, a Shia, was in a three-car convoy fleeing the south Lebanon village of Aytaroun on July 19 when it was attacked by two jets. Five members of her family died, including her father. She has not uttered a word since. Her grandmother, Khadija Awada, says the last sound Narjis made was a cry to her father who was sitting in front of her as a sheet of flame ripped through the car. Now she sits motionless, never taking her eyes off her mother, Lena Mostafa, 29, who lies seriously injured in the next bed. The grandmother says: “How can I tell her that she’ll never see her Dad again?” Everything they owned was incinerated. The hospital has given her toys, but she won’t touch them.
-The Times, 28th July.