Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"Back in 5..."

Lots going on in the world at the moment. Here, reshuffles. When will Howard go? When will Blair?
NPT renegotiations. A big discussion to be had (here and elsewhere) about nuclear power.
Judicial appointments in the USA looks like causing a bit of fistycuffs, meanwhile, a few souls are attempting to indict Tom DeLay.
Iran looking increasingly threatening, as is NK.
In Iraq, a decent in to chaos of proportions not seen since November's siege of Fallujah looks possible. "More than 60 people were killed in Iraq today when at least five explosions rocked Baghdad, Tikrit and Hawija." And this after a weekend in which US soldiers claim to have killed 100 fighters in and around Ramadi where they "almost" managed to snag al-Zarqawi. "At least 370 people have been killed in Iraq over the past two weeks in the latest wave of violence" the same Guardian story reports.

Lots to talk about, folks, and normal service will return shortly, along with something substantial on the question of nuclear power and weapons next week. Stay tuned!


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